Planes, Trains and Ramparts?

The new year always brings with it a sense of hope and adventure. After this past year of lockdowns and social distancing I’ve been itching to travel. Oh how I long to get on a plane and fly across the country to my favorite cities to take in the excitement of shopping and fine dining; or cross the seas on a cruise ship soaking in the sun and touristy atmosphere of coastal locals. But alas, the craziness of 2020 has given way to the slightly different craziness of 2021. We’re still dealing with a global pandemic, some of my favorite cities are still experiencing lockdowns and let’s face it, I’m not exactly comfortable sitting in a giant metal box for hours breathing recirculated air. Ever the optimist, I still see hope on the horizon.

Valentine’s Day is near and I am determined to get away with my sweetie. In researching where we would go, how we would get there and what we would do I quickly discovered that international travel would be more of a headache than I am willing to bear. Between the quarantines, COVID testing and ever changing restrictions and protocols it is more like work than a vacation. Regional travel seems to be the way to go. Someplace close, five or fewer hours in distance so we can get there by car but not have to make too many stops along the way.
We chose Charleston, South Carolina then went on the Charleston Convention and Vacation Bureau website and were able to browse their vacation itineraries and special deals. While I wanted something super romantic I knew my sweetie would enjoy seeing some historical sites and museums. We settled on a three-day historical themed itinerary but were able to plan a romantic dinner at one of the area's finest restaurants...all through the CVB website!
So now we are off for a long weekend of fun, food and romantic walks along historic battlefields; because nothing says romance like ramparts and cannon balls….lol. In all sincerity, true satisfaction and delight in existence is enjoying life with the ones we love. This may be on a historic themed get-away, at home grilling in the back yard or on a video conference holiday dinner. Whatever you do, do it with love in your heart. Here’s wishing you all a wonderful Valentines Day.
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